Dear Parents and Carers
I hope that you have enjoyed a lovely summer break with your families, despite not getting the heatwave we were anticipating, and stayed fit and well.
We are looking forward to welcoming the children back to school next Monday, 6th September, for what we hope will be a less disruptive year for everyone. (apart from those children starting in Reception and Preschool which you will already be aware of ). We are still following local and government guidance with our plans for the autumn term and will continue to be vigilant with our safety measures in school.
We no longer have to keep children in bubbles, which will enable the children to mix more widely across the school for assemblies and lunches; however we will be insisting on regular handwashing or sanitising as part of our daily routines. CO2 monitors have been provided for all classrooms to ensure that they are suitably ventilated. Visitors to the office are politely requested to continue to wear a face mask.
The guidance around the actions required related to suspected and confirmed cases of Covid has been updated and is attached for your information.
Information for returning to school on Monday 6th September:
Attendance at school is mandatory unless you have elected to home educate your child
Preschool sessions 9am-12,-3.00pm/3.30pm (as allocated)
Gates will open at 8.45am for Year R-6
The school day for Reception and Year 1 classes 8.45- 3.20pm, 1.30pm on a Friday (Care club 1.30-3.30pm for bookings only)
Years 2-6 -8.45am -3.30pm Monday to Thursday. 8.45-1.30pm on a Friday. (Care club 1.30-3.30pm for bookings only)
We are no longer using Trow Close gate as a pedestrian entrance
Preschool and Reception classes-Main gate 1
Year 1 and Year 2 -Gate 2 (to the left of front Reception)
Year 3,4,5 and 6-Gate 4 (car park Forest School)
We are still keen to minimise the amount of items coming into school therefore children need to bring and leave their PE and Forest School kits in school.
Book bags, pencil cases and stationery are not required, only reading books will need to come back to school every day. Please do not allow your children to bring fidget toys or other personal belongings to school unless previously agreed with the class teacher.
School lunches will need to be preordered-information has already been distributed.
Many thanks for your cooperation.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend and look forward to seeing you on Monday 6th September at 8.45am.Covid 19- Flowchart Parents 2021