


                                                                                                                                                          Welcome to Nightingales!

Nightingales is one of our Year 3 classes, taught by Miss Mulcahey and we are based in the Riverbank pavilion.


At Cotton End Forest School, we are committed to providing a knowledge-based curriculum which is linked to ‘Learning Beyond the Classroom’ opportunities. This approach is hands-on, broad and balanced, and provides our pupils with opportunities to gain essential knowledge, skills and understanding. We intend that all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become independent life-long learners with skills which will allow them to meet the challenges of the 21st century..

Through a creative, holistic, outdoor-focused approach, we will aim high, striving for every child to achieve highly, both academically and socially. Through learning opportunities in the classroom and beyond, including Forest School, our curriculum will nurture curious minds, stretch imaginations and provide opportunities for every child to become leaders in their own right. We believe that education takes place beyond the walls of the classroom, and we utilise our outdoor space to promote a fully inclusive environment where children feel safe and confident to try new things.

We promote an inclusive approach to the curriculum where all of the children’s needs are catered for. We also link the curriculum to outdoor learning and the children will experience opportunities to learn outside the classroom on a regular basis, alongside timetabled Forest School sessions.

In Year 3, the children will continue to develop the skill of working independently and will be encouraged to challenge themselves across the curriculum. The children learn through a range of high quality classroom-based activities, as well as a range of outdoor and practical tasks, which cater for all learning styles.

Please click on the link below to access the planning overview for Autumn Term One: Year 3 Curriculum Overview Autumn 1

Some important information: 

  • Homework – The children will bring home a learning log each Friday and it must be turned in by the following Wednesday. This will contain a variety of work each week linked to the learning in class. There will be English, Maths plus occasional topic based learning activities.
  • Spelling – The children will bring home a spelling book. Each week new spellings will be entered. Please make sure children practice their spellings regularly. Children will be tested on Fridays.
  • Times Tables –  The children may bring home a times table book. They can use TT Rock Stars to practice their times tables.  Times tables activities take place in class on a Friday.
  • Reading Books – Each child has a reading folder which contains a reading book and reading record. These need to come to school every day. Please listen to your child read regularly and record page numbers and comments in the reading record.
  • Forest School – Year 3 have forest school on Monday afternoons. Please make sure children have wellies and waterproofs in school at all times as well as a warm weather alternative, long sleeve top and trousers/leggings.
  • Children have PE on a Wednesday – The children need to keep their PE kit at school at all times. Please ensure your child has the correct, named school PE kit.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.

Miss Mulcahey