Mrs Diane Catchpole is the SENDCo for parents and families of children at Cotton End Forest School.
Contact: or 01234 740100
Please click the link below to view the SEND information report and policy:
SEND information report and policy 2023-24
Bedford Borough Council Local Offer provides all the information you need regarding support for your child’s special educational needs and disabilities.
Parentline: for parents and carers of those aged 0-19 TEXT 07507 331456
Parentline offers advice and support on a range of issues such as weaning, sleep and emotional health. You can also find out how to access other local services.
ChatHealth: for young people aged 11-19 TEXT 07507 331450
ChatHealth is a similar service for young people to confidentially ask for help about a range of issues or make an appointment with a school nurse. Young people can also find out how to access other local services including emotional support.
You may be aware Bedford Borough is due its next Local Area SEND Inspection imminently.
Please find attached an information guide and video link to explain more about the process, opportunities to give feedback via surveys and other parts of the inspections you may be requested to support:
Area SEND inspection explained – information for parents and carers (
Educational Psychologist and ASAT consultations.
Please see the leaflet below for the dates and times of Autism Specialist Advisory Teacher Consultations and EP consultations.
To book an appointment, contact the Psychology Team on 01234 228 693 or email
EP Consultation Appointments AY24-25