
√ 11 Types of Eagles in The World With Awesome Pictures | Bald eagle, Eagle pictures, Types of eagles

 Welcome to Eagles Class!

Eagles is our year 4 class, taught by Miss Birkinshaw



At Cotton End Forest School, we are committed to providing a knowledge-based curriculum which is linked to ‘Learning Beyond the Classroom’ opportunities. This approach is hands-on, broad and balanced, and provides our pupils with opportunities to gain essential knowledge, skills and understanding. We intend that all children should enjoy their learning, achieve their potential and become independent life-long learners with skills which will allow them to meet the challenges of the 21st century..

Through a creative, holistic, outdoor-focused approach, we will aim high, striving for every child to achieve highly, both academically and socially. Through learning opportunities in the classroom and beyond, including Forest School, our curriculum will nurture curious minds, stretch imaginations and provide opportunities for every child to become leaders in their own right. We believe that education takes place beyond the walls of the classroom, and we utilise our outdoor space to promote a fully inclusive environment where children feel safe and confident to try new things.


Our curriculum provides memorable experiences and opportunities from which the children can learn and develop skills for life. The acquisition of knowledge and development of skills is planned through a knowledge based curriculum. Underpinning this work is Forest School and ‘Learning Beyond the Classroom’. We plan lessons which give children opportunities to learn new skills outside of the classroom walls, as well as allowing children to learn through a hands-on style of learning.

In order to ensure progression and balance are maintained, the programmes of study are developed into medium term plans which clearly highlight the learning objectives and assessment opportunities. Short term planning is then differentiated to the needs of each class, linking to prior learning, resources and Learning Beyond the Classroom opportunities. We also link our curriculum to Forest School sessions when appropriate. Planning includes questioning prompts which promote challenge as well as scaffolding. Teachers plan and tailor units of work and lessons to address the specific individual needs of pupils so that all pupils are able to reach their full potential regardless of their starting point.

Quality first teaching is provided to ensure that at least good progress is promoted in each lesson. Our feedback and marking policy is implemented to give instant feedback to children, which allows them to reflect on their learning and to think deeply and carefully about their work.


Children will leave Cotton End Forest School ready for the next stage of learning at secondary school. The curriculum will have provided them with the knowledge and skills to support them in their future endeavours. Our pupils will have developed skills for life: resilience, improved self-esteem, self-motivation, problem-solving skills and improved relationships with adults and peers. Furthermore, our curriculum promotes an improvement in wellbeing, mental health and self-regulation skills.

The children will be able to work collaboratively with their peers and independently as inquisitive learners who are motivated to excel and have a thirst for learning. They will be respectful and show tolerance and acceptance to those from different faiths and backgrounds.

 Please click on the link to access the planning overview for Spring 2: Year 4 Spring-2-Mindmap-1


Important information for Year 4:

Homework- This will be set each Friday and must be returned by the following Wednesday. This will contain a variety of work each week linked to the learning in class. This will be mainly English and Maths, with occasional topic-based learning activities.

Spellings- Spellings will be sent home on Friday and are due in on the following Thursday. Spellings will be tested every Friday. Please ensure your child practices at much as possible during the week.

Reading Books- Every child has a reading book. Please encourage your child to read to you on a weekly basis. Every child has been sent home a reading book. We use ‘Learning With Parents’ to log your child’s reading. You will receive a link to access their online Reading Log. Please write the book your child has read, the number of pages and a short comment to support reading in school.

Times Tables- Please encourage your child to practice as much as possible using TT Rockstars and PurpleMash. There is a statutory assessment on the multiplication tables in June which all Year 4 pupils will take part in.

PE- Children have PE on a Thursday morning. Please make sure they have the correct PE kit in school at all times.

Forest School- Sessions take place on a Thursday afternoon. Please make sure children have wellington boots, waterproofs and a waterproof coat or jacket in school at all times.

If you have any questions or queries please do not hesitate to contact me.