SATS week information for Year 6

Dear Parents,

SATs Week 2022

The SATs week this year runs from Monday 9th May to Thursday 12th May. During this time, the year 6 children are invited to come into school at 8.30am. We will provide a ‘breakfast club’, which will allow the children to relax in school surroundings before they take their assessments.

If you do not wish to send your child in for breakfast, please ensure they are here by 9am. We are taking the assessments at 9.30am each day and it is important that your child does not feel rushed or stressed by coming into school late.

During the SATs week, all children must attend unless they are very poorly. If your child is too unwell to attend school (e.g. vomiting) then please inform us as soon as possible. It is important that they do not interact with any other year 6 children during the time.

The timetable of the week is as follows:

Monday 9th May – Grammar and Punctuation paper (45 minutes) and Spelling paper (15 minutes)

Tuesday 10th May – Reading (60 minutes)

Wednesday 11th May – Arithmetic (30 minutes) and Reasoning 2 (40 minutes)

Thursday 12th May – Reasoning 3 (40 minutes)

It would be appreciated if you could encourage your children to practise for their assessments by using the CGP books we have provided.

Thank you for your continued support.


Kind regards,


Miss Joseph