Dear Parents and Carers
As we are nearing the end of term, I would like to update you with some changes of staff for September.
It is with sadness that I am letting you know Mrs Gormley will be leaving us at the end of term and moving onto pastures new. Mrs Gormley has been at Cotton End for 14 years and has seen many changes over the years. She came as a class teacher and has progressed to Assistant Headteacher, Sendco and lead for KS1. Mrs Gormley has supported many children and families over the years and she will be greatly missed here. We all wish her well in her new position as Specialist Brainbow Teacher at Pilgrim Pathways School linked to Addenbrookes hospital, where I am sure she will touch the hearts of many others, as she continues her fabulous career.
We will be bidding a fond farewell to Mrs Taylor, who is also leaving at the end of term to spend more time with her family. Mrs Taylor has worked across the school as HLTA for many years, delivering valuable interventions to individuals and groups as well as teaching whole classes. We hope that Mrs Taylor continues to visit on a regular basis-her cake making skills have given staff invaluable sugar boosts over the years!
Mrs Venamore is also leaving us to take up a position with YMCA working with children and families at the children’s centres; we wish her well for the future.
There are collections for these staff in the school office and if anyone would like to contribute and sign their cards, please see Mrs Coe or Mrs Askew in the office.
We have been very fortunate with our recruitment, as a growing school and we will be welcoming these new staff :
Mrs Chan, Miss Devereux and Miss Savage will be joining our teaching team and we are currently recruiting for further support staff positions.
Further details of which classes and year groups staff will be placed in will be shared with your end of term report for your child.