Letter regarding opening in lockdown

5th January 2021

Dear Parents and Carers

Further to my message last night, it is with great sadness that we have been told to close the school except for the children of keyworkers and those classed as vulnerable children only. We anticipate that this will be the case until after February half term.

Please check your eligibility before requesting a place as, if at all possible, you should keep your children at home.

Remote learning will be available on the website/google classroom or purple mash by the class teachers and it is expected that all children will engage with this. If you have any technical issues being able to access this please contact the school. We have been able to access a limited amount of digital devices from DFE however these are only available for SEND or disadvantaged children.

Some further information for those attending school:

  • Children should wear school uniform
  • Children will access the same learning in school as that set for remote learning
  • Children should be accompanied to their gate by one adult only wherever possible
  • Gates 1 (Preschool, Reception and KS2) and Gate 2 (KS1) will be opened at 8.45am each morning and at 3.15pm each afternoon. Please collect your children at that time only.
  • School closes for everyone, including Preschool, at 1.30pm on Friday
  • Adults must adhere to 2m distance rule and wear a mask at the school gates
  • Visitors to reception are limited to a maximum of 2, masks must be worn
  • No book bags should be brought to school
  • Forest School kit to be left in school
  • Hot dinners will be available in school
  • Before and after school care will not be available.
  • Friday afternoon care club is not available.
  • Fruit and milk is not available from the Government therefore please provide a fruit snack from home if you wish your child to have a mid- morning snack.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all kind messages and for your continued support in these challenging times.

Take care and stay safe.

Kind regards

Karen Headland
