24th April 2020
Dear Parents/Carers
I hope that you and your families are all staying safe and well and enjoyed the Easter break. We have been incredibly lucky with having some beautiful weather enabling us to make the most of being outside in our gardens where possible and taking our daily exercise.
We are missing everyone greatly, the school is a very quiet place at present with only a few children attending on a daily basis. Thank you very much for all your lovely messages that have been sent in over the last few weeks, it helps to brighten our days!
The staff have been working tirelessly from home to provide work and activities for your children to complete during this lockdown period. Whilst at home, please encourage your child to continue their learning through the information sent out by class teachers. The tasks set are consolidating previous learning and therefore most can be completed independently. We do also appreciate that many of you are trying to juggle working from home yourselves whilst home-schooling your children. Please do not put yourselves under any more pressure, just do what you can. Any work that is sent through to the class pages will be acknowledged by the class teacher as soon as possible. These are unprecedented and challenging times but we are committed to supporting your child’s education through the activities we provide and through caring for those who will continue to attend school.
You may have seen in the national press that the Government have provided vouchers for families eligible for free school meals but there have been lots of issues and a considerable backlog around downloading and issuing these. Mrs Coe has overcome lots of challenges and managed to provide those families with their entitlements-Thank you Mrs Coe for your hard work and perseverance.
The staff have all put together a message and video for the children which has been uploaded to our Facebook page-please share it with them-I hope they enjoy it!
As soon as we have any further information about schools reopening I will be in contact with you. In the meantime, please stay at home and stay safe.
Yours sincerely,
Karen Headland