Letter 16/3/2020

16th March 2020


Dear Parents and Carers

As I am sure you will appreciate, we are currently dealing with a complex and rapidly changing situation. My priority will always be the health and safety of the pupils and staff in our school. Now, more than ever, this remains our primary focus.

Already in school we have, following NHS guidance:

  • Provided hand sanitiser in our reception area
  • Increased hand washing routines for children and staff
  • Increased the rigour of cleaning and disinfecting across the school including door handles, light switches and hard surfaces.

We are following official advice from the Department for Education, Bedford Borough and the NHS. This official advice underpins all the actions we take.

Whilst I appreciate that there will be a wide range of different views about how we should be responding and what action should be taken, I am duty bound to follow this official advice.

I will of course keep you updated with any changes as soon as I am aware of them. In the meantime, if you have any concerns around your child’s health please use the NHS 111 service for advice.

We have made the decision to go ahead with our trips to Wimpole Farm this week with Reception and Year 1 classes. A preliminary visit has been carried out this weekend and the farm has multiple hand sanitiser stations around the venue with toilets and handwashing facilities also readily available. The children are going to be outside for the majority of the day and not in confined spaces. We have also spoken to the bus company who will be transporting the children and they too have increased their cleaning routines by sanitising door handles and touch points between journeys.

I am sure the children will have a lovely day and a fantastic experience at the farm.

Many thanks for your continued support.

Kind regards

Karen Headland