Cherry (Nursery)

Nursery Admissions policy CEFS

Application Pack Nursery – digital copy

Cherry class is our Nursery provision.  Forest school is at the centre of our learning, where children learn to take risks under a controlled environment. Providing opportunities for children to seek and learn life skills alongside the seven areas of learning.

Our objectives are to deliver the curriculum by means of developmentally appropriate play activities with adult scaffolding children as recommended in the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Framework.

We provide a stimulating, exciting and safe environment for all children, where we aim to support a child’s personal development and prepare them for the future. We encourage children to take ownership over their own learning and development by working alongside the children’s individual interests and needs.  Putting children at the heart of everything we do.

We like to use the local environment for many activities such as mini beast hunts and walks.

We currently only have one intake per year.  Places are allocated around Easter time prior to the September before they are due to start.

We accept children from 2 years old, these sessions are free if you are entitled to funding or can be paid for.

We can also accept children from the term following their 3rd birthday- 15 hours funded,  30 hours funded or sessions can be paid for.

If you think you maybe eligible for 30 hours please see the below website for more details

Sessions are:

Morning session: 9.00am – 12.00pm

Afternoon session: 12.30pm -3.30pm


Cost for 2yr Olds Cost for 3yr Olds
9am – 12pm £24.00 £15.90
3.00-3.30pm charge £3.00
12.30pm – 3.30pm £24.00 £15.90

Please note that places for our Nursery class are very limited. We can only offer a place as per the admissions criteria set out below, which applies to all 2 and 3 year old children

  1. All looked after children or previously looked after
  2. Children who appear to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to have been as a result of adoption
  3. Means tested funded 2-year olds
  4. Catchment pupils with siblings already attending main school or nursery
  5. Other pupils in the catchment area
  6. Very exceptional medical grounds
  7. Other siblings already attending School
  8. Any other children

Any applications received after the 1st April before the September they are due to start will be classed as a late application.

Our Cherry class is proud to announce it has achieved the Bedford Borough’s Communication Friendly Award