Swimming Lessons 19th – 30th June

Swimming timetable June 2023 (002)

Dear Parents/Carers,


This year, we have hired a swimming pool to come to our school for a fortnight, to offer children from Reception to year 6 swimming lessons.

Please see the attached time table for your child’s class. If your child is required to attend the ‘additional’ slots, you will be given notice in advance.

Children will need to bring the following kit into school on their swimming days. This will go home in the evening and will need to be return the following day if on the timetable.

One-piece swimming costume or swim shorts; swimming hat or hair in a plait for long hair; towel; swim bag; and goggles if preferred.

Any verruca’s need to be covered with a plastic verruca sock.

Please also ensure all jewellery is removed (including earrings) prior to their swimming lesson

Swimming is part of the KS2 curriculum, so it is expected that everyone in KS2 takes part.

If your child is in KS2 ( Years 3,4,5 & 6), please complete the questionnaire that will follow tomorrow via Parentmail to gauge their swimming ability.

If you have any further questions, please contact the school office by Friday 16th June.

Thank you for your continued support.