2nd March 2016
Dear Parents/Carers
Car Parking
As you are aware, due to the increased numbers of pupils at the school, car parking when dropping off and collecting children from the school is a challenge. As we have very limited space at school, no parents are allowed to use the school car park. We are very fortunate that Cotton End Baptist Church allow the school to use their car park both for staff and parents. You will, I am sure, notice that spaces at the church car park are extremely limited therefore please ensure that you park considerately and do not block other people in.
Please help us to keep your children safe and avoid using the verge opposite the school as cars block the pavement for pedestrians.
There is a large amount of available parking space at The Bell Pub, not just at the front but also down to the side. Could we please ask you to utilise this facility to ease the congestion in the church car park both for your own safety and that of the children.
Please show respect to each other and our neighbours by parking considerately and help us to keep your children safe.
Kind regards
Karen Headland